greek tavli


Frequents are the mentions about tavli, in the work of our lyric-writers and our poets. Some of them, like Lefteris Papadopoulos, are great tavli players. In these web pages, we will try to make an anthology of the mentions of tavli in Greek songs.

It is so easy to come in our minds the lines of Lefteris Papadopoulos in the song of Manos Loizos “ Don’t belt the craps… the work is this that makes someone man” or the sensitive nocturnal of Takis Simotas in music and voice of Nikos Papazoglou “….dice in the glasses threw ice-cubes, tavli is the night, counters the nice bodies…” . The poetry of George Chronas in “No we cannot meet, we cannot meet, before the sun goes down, in the room that play prefa in the room that play tavli…” and the subversive lines of Jimmis Panousis in the “Smack” “… a net without fishes, a pine-tree without pine cones, a flat boat without holds and a tavli without dices…”. is a website dedicated to tavli game. Everything about tavli and its variations all over the world. A creation of